4 Steps to Prepare for When the Lights Go Out…

Every sales presenter’s nightmare…unsolvable technical glitches that ruin the presentation and keep you from making your pitch.

It is inevitable. At some point technology will fail you. All sales presentation training programs should cover this eventuality but few do. The only thing you can do is be as prepared as possible.

Here are 4 steps you should take if you depend upon technology for your message’s impact:
  1. Befriend the expert. As you set up, talk with the AV person who supplies the microphone, your screen, and the computer connections for your slides. Let them know how much you value their help and special knowledge.  Ask them the best way to work with them.
  2. Try out all the systems. Well before your audience arrives, test all the equipment. Ask your new friend to stay until everything works to your satisfaction. Then before they leave, find out how you can quickly reach them if something fails.
  3. Bring your own equipment. Whenever possible, use what you know and what has worked for you in the past. Have backups at hand.
  4. Have a Plan-B.  When all else fails, know your material well enough to continue, use handouts and rely on a good sense of humor.